Monday, June 1, 2009

Today James left for Spokane, he is only gone 4 nights but its seems
much longer. He will leave for Spokane every week for 8 weeks. I really dread this time of year. We all miss him when he is gone. Michael finds comfort in the fact that it could be 10 nights so four isn't that bad. We had a great week last week, J basically had the whole week off so we were able to do lots of projects and just spend time together as a family. It was so nice to have him around all the time. I am truly blessed to have my children and my husband.
This morning I opened my freezer and found four zip lock bags filled with ice, on closer inspection I found the bags contained frozen bugs. I asked Michael about this and he informed me he was just really into freezing bugs now, and walked out he door to collect more bugs.
Finlei just started to have a little bit of rice cereal, she really enjoys the cereal but since having it she hasn't gone #2 and her toots are really frequent and stinky. J does not appreciate this and thinks we should discontinue the cereal, but since she is now sleeping better at night I think that is worth a few stinky toots no matter the frequency or the smell.
I am off to play Dinosaurs.

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Nathan said...

Love the bugs in the freezer. Kate has a big collection of rocks and sticks but not bugs. :)

I hope the week goes by quickly.
