Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just brushed his teeth, it took him 5 seconds to brush!!

Mike all greened out for St. Patricks day!

Michael and Finlei have been very busy the last couple of months. Michael just learned to ride a bike without training wheels and he is very proud of himself!!! Funny because James and I are also very proud of ourselves for teaching him to ride a bike, it took a lot of thought and energy. Mike wasn't really wanting to learn to ride a bike so I had to force him...I new that once he learned to ride he would thoroughly enjoy it. He seems to be unwilling to try new things you kind of have to force him into it. I am not sure if this is the best way to go about parenting but he learned to ride the bike and now loves doing it.

Finlei started walking a couple of months ago and has really taken off. She has developed so much these last few months, she says momma, dadda, brother, Lola (our dog) puppa, (our other dog) and Stinkie and kittie. She loves to be outside and spends a good portion of the day staring out the screen door crying and pointing at things she would love to touch. Finlei loves the trampoline and ours is enclosed so its basically a big play pin so I too love the trampoline.
James and I are basically loving life, we have each other, two healthy wonderful kids, supportive parents and siblings and life couldn't be better!!!

Crazy Trampoline Hair!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Michaels 5 Favorite things!!

1. Dinosaurs-why? Because they eat meat....

2. Snakes- Why? umm I like that they slither...
3.Dad- Why?Very disgruntled his said because he's my dad, like hello mom he's my dad not yours!!
4. Mom and Finlei- Why? Finlei uhh... well because she is part of my family and Finlei is always happy. Mom? uuhhh.. well.. umm ..that your part of my family, I love you a lot, stop getting crazy about this!!!
5. My house- Why? Umm because we have a huge field that I can play and we have a good view of Osprey...thats a great answer right mom...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fins first birthday!!

Things I want to never forget about Finlei!!

Finlei's Favorite person is Michael, although the feeling doesn't go both ways...
Finlei is delightful and always happy
Finlei's laugh is deep and throaty
Finlei does things in her own time, she has been standing unassisted for about 2 months and has yet to take a step!!!
Finlei can say momma, dadda, bro,bro(michael), baby, and waves good bye.
Finlei is a big girl always in the 95th% for height and weight, 25% for head.
Finlei has blondish red hair that is just now long enough to start to curl.(natural curl, that is, I hope it stays that way)
Finlei looks just like her grandpa Nelson, which he loves and takes alot of pride in, although when she was born I asked James what she looked like and he said with a frown your dad, I smiled thinking it was neat and Jamie said so she looks like a balding 50 year old man!!
Finlei has super stinky feet I wash them daily but they are just always stinky, poor girl.
Finlei is quite possibly the most beautiful girl in the world......I know, I know, not as cute as your little girls...
When we got pregnant we always thought that we were most excited to give Michael a sibling, you see we weren't sure we needed a second child our lives already seemed so full we thought Michael was enough. Now I know how wrong we were. Finlei is a gift from god, she has come into our lives and givin us perspective, joy, and the color PINK which was sorely missing from our house!!! Plus now the kids will always have eachother, which makes me feel warm inside...I have a bond with my little brother that is amazing and I am thankful for everyday!! I hope my children have the same.....Thanks for all that you have givin your Dadda, Bro..Bro, and Momma, Finlei we love you, Happy First Birthday!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

FInlei moments