Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Michael just finished pre-school last week. He was so excited to be done but I really struggled with it. I did fine until his fellow students sang him "The Good-Bye Song" I just started to cry and cry and cry. Michael looked at me like I was crazy, then he informed he had to finish preschool so he could go to big boy school, AKA grade school. He was right of course, but in that moment I just wanted to have my little baby boy back, the little boy who toddled around my house and ate dirt like chocolate. This feeling only lasted until I looked in the back seat to see him soothing his sister while looking for her binki. In that moment I felt truly blessed for my big boy. I think I am ready for him to go to kindergarden, although I can't gurantee there won't be tears.


Tiff said...

We are sending Rhett to preschool in the fall and I'm a little nervous about it. I can't beleive how fast they grow up.

By the way, I found your blog through other people's. Thanks for sharing!

Nathan said...

Congratulations to Michael! And to Michael's mom. :) I'm always surprised when I see little girl legs instead of short, chubby toddler legs when I happen to glance at Kate. They get big so fast, and Michael is such a good big brother.


Diane J said...

Tears are a wonderful thing. It means you got to share a significant part of Michaels life and loved it. Almost every new stage brings tears for me. It really seems just yesterday that I sent Emily to kindergarten and here she is going to high school. I am sure I will cry the first day of school. Diane