Monday, June 29, 2009

Michael at Oma and Papa's house this weekend.
We had the nicest time with Terry and Carolann, thanks so much for your love and support.
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Man on the corner

Yesterday we took a family trip to Costco, and as we were coming off the down ramp as usual there was a man standing there. They usually have a sign and I read it to Michael he finds these people fascinating. He calls them "Dirty Old Bums" ( he gets this name from his father) Anyway, this guy wasn't holding a sign he was just trying to thumb a ride. Mike asked me what he was doing and I said I don't know absent mindedly( jamie and I were in the middle of a conversation) He said I know what he was doing, he was giving us two thumbs up for being good drivers and not crashing into the cars in front of us. I thought this was very funny, and once again Michael made me laugh.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I just took this picture of Michael and Finlei this morning. I absolutely loved it. I look at this picture and wonder how just 2 hours ago I put a crying Michael in his room for time out and a screaming Finlei in her crib, so I could have a moment to regroup.
They look like little angels in this picture.
Us throw a fit? No mommy thats just silly.
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Friday, June 19, 2009

Finlei loves to giggle and squirm. I love they way she looks at me when I first pick her up from a nap. She is over joyed to have me walk in the room. She smile's sooo hard, I thinks that a good explanation for her smile. Her whole body smiles, I just truly adore this little girl. I think every mom needs a daughter. To me she is perfect.

Michael frequently says Finlei is the best thing that ever happened to him. He also says that about chocolate milk, but if Fin rates as high as chocolate milk to a five year old I think thats pretty good.

Sorry about this video, its not great,but I waited so long for it to upload I am still posting it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Michael just finished pre-school last week. He was so excited to be done but I really struggled with it. I did fine until his fellow students sang him "The Good-Bye Song" I just started to cry and cry and cry. Michael looked at me like I was crazy, then he informed he had to finish preschool so he could go to big boy school, AKA grade school. He was right of course, but in that moment I just wanted to have my little baby boy back, the little boy who toddled around my house and ate dirt like chocolate. This feeling only lasted until I looked in the back seat to see him soothing his sister while looking for her binki. In that moment I felt truly blessed for my big boy. I think I am ready for him to go to kindergarden, although I can't gurantee there won't be tears.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Today James left for Spokane, he is only gone 4 nights but its seems
much longer. He will leave for Spokane every week for 8 weeks. I really dread this time of year. We all miss him when he is gone. Michael finds comfort in the fact that it could be 10 nights so four isn't that bad. We had a great week last week, J basically had the whole week off so we were able to do lots of projects and just spend time together as a family. It was so nice to have him around all the time. I am truly blessed to have my children and my husband.
This morning I opened my freezer and found four zip lock bags filled with ice, on closer inspection I found the bags contained frozen bugs. I asked Michael about this and he informed me he was just really into freezing bugs now, and walked out he door to collect more bugs.
Finlei just started to have a little bit of rice cereal, she really enjoys the cereal but since having it she hasn't gone #2 and her toots are really frequent and stinky. J does not appreciate this and thinks we should discontinue the cereal, but since she is now sleeping better at night I think that is worth a few stinky toots no matter the frequency or the smell.
I am off to play Dinosaurs.

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